1551 S. Harris Court, Anaheim, CA 92806
Phone: 714.978.1551 Fax: 714.978.0431
Model 7000C Series, Wire Pull Test Machines, Manual X-Y-Z Last revised: 3/11/2008
West•Bond Series 7000C Pull Testers provide an exceptionally convenient means to place a hook under the arch of a bonded wire and then lower the wire under microprocessor control to measure tensile strength, either destructively or non-destructively. Embodied in this series is West•Bond’s new three axis mechanical-advantage manipulator which is independently guided along each axis, and so is able to transmit motion and force from control to tool undisturbed by loading forces from any other direction. For operation in a horizontal plane, the pantograph mechanism is counterbalanced by weight, trimmed by an adjustable spring. The force to move the control in each direction is just perceptible -- about 25 grams -- and the control will stay where left throughout nearly all of its three dimensional range.
The hook is guided to the wire by the right hand 8/1 X-Y-Z manipulator, and is rotated by a motor directly slaved to a remote rotary encoder at the left hand. When aligned, the pull test is initiated by use of a keypad that sets Z and Y axis brakes and starts the workstation actuator. The work piece containing the test wire arch is lowered in very fine increments and the load cell reading is updated during each motor step. In non-destruct mode the test is stopped after any step when the set value is reached; in destruct mode, the test continues while test values increase, until reversal indicates a break. Standard step resolution is 0.00003906 inch through a range of 0.125 inch. Reassembling the final tapered drive element can set an alternate resolution of 0.00002604 inch through a range of 0.083 inch. The stepping rate can be selected from a group of suggested values. Further, a mechanical down stop can be set to limit hook descent by manipulator toward the wire array if desired.
The hook assembly, and selection of hook sizes, is brought unchanged from West•Bond's "A" and "E" Series. This assembly fits into a collet rotated by the hook motor, in a lever that bears on the load cell with a mechanical advantage of 4:1. This lever is counter balanced by an adjustable spring to bear on the cell with a "Tare" value of 20 grams, which is subtracted in software. The load cell output is read in to the microprocessor as 12 bits of binary data and is presented with a resolution of 0.1 gram through the range of 00.0 to 99.9 grams. The standard load cell is K~Sine 1720-C, with 1.0 Lb. (or 453 grams) capacity.
Control of machine logic, motor motions, and test parameters is programmed to and executed by West•Bond Part No 8750 CPU, containing a Motorola 68000 microprocessor and 256 KB of nonvolatile RAM. The operator is prompted for various setup values by a series of "screens" displayed on a 4-line by 40-character LCD, and enters this data via a separate numerical keypad. During testing, in either mode, this keypad is enabled to encode the break position for analysis. Test values and statistical analyses are printed, when desired, by an Okidata Microline 320 Turbo 9-pin dot matrix printer, which is included. Alternately, this output can be directed via an RS-232 port to a computer for graphical analysis: This capability, now standard, was previously offered separately as Feature –75.
Definitions of Models of this Series:
This machine as described herein.

Features Available for this Series:
The microscope recommended for this series is Nikon SMZ660 with the "Luxuray" LED #10265.01 illuminator. Neither microscope nor illuminator is included. One wire pull hook and a set of ASTM Class 6 calibration weights are included.
Quite a large number of previously designed special work holders, both heated and unheated, are listed in the Work Holders Table of our Web Site: Those with "Current" Status can be ordered together with a machine order; those with "AvailableNotStocked" Status must be ordered separately. Work holders for new work pieces requiring custom design and fabrication will be quoted upon receipt of drawings and samples: These must be ordered on separate purchase orders. Work holders are priced separately.
A universal unheated work holder, capable of holding most common substrate devices between a pivoted clamp lever and adjustable backstops, is maintained in stock. This workstation modified for screw-adjustable height is also available from stock.
For customers providing their own work holder, the height from the work platform surface to the nominal hook elevation is 2.6875 inches. The work platform is approximately 8.00 inches deep and 11.00 inches wide; however, this area is not centered on the hook.
Compressed air, regulated to 50 psig, is required. Connection is via 1/4-inch tubing.
Electrical service required is 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, single phase. A fuse and three-prong power cord connector are provided for 115 VAC: For 230 VAC, these must be changed to conform to local requirements.
Machine size is 22" deep X 19" wide X 12" high, exclusive of microscope, or 18" in height to scope eyepieces. The printer and the small numerical keypad are packaged separately. Weight is 60 lb. uncrated, or 110 lb. accessorized and crated.

1551 S. Harris Court, Anaheim, CA 92806
Phone: 714.978.1551 Fax: 714.978.0431
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