December 15, 1999
The change of tool head assemblies for "E" Series, announced September 29th, is now in sight and is set to take effect on January 1, 2000. At that time the computer assembly trees will be changed and all subsequent new orders for "E" machines will contain the new sub-assemblies. Also at that time the Specifications and listings in the Product Table will be changed to eliminate all 7400E and 7600E models and to combine them into one family of 7476E models, as the new construction is inherently convertible. It is our fond hope that there will be no requests for the old construction. Click here to review the explanations of the September announcement and to be convinced that the new really is better.
Now that we have everyone agreeing to change, we also wish to announce other steps toward simplifying our too-extensive line of machine models: The "A" models are being further reduced in favor of the equivalent "C"s, and the "B" models largely supplanted by their "E" counterparts. The remaining models to be considered to have Current Status are listed following:
"A" Series
Model 7200AA - Pick and Place
Model 7200AB - Pick and Place, two dice
Model 7367A - Eutectic Tweezers Bonder
Model 7400A - Wedge-Wedge Wire Bonder (45° wire feed)
Model 7600A - Wedge-Wedge Wire Bonder (deep access 90° wire and ribbon feed)
All other "A" Series models to be discontinued.
"B" Series
Model 2~00B - Automatic Series Machines
Model 7200B - Epoxy Die Bonder
Model 7367B - Eutectic Tweezers Bonder
Model 7372B - Epoxy and Eutectic Die Bonder
Model 7374B - Beam Lead Bonder
All other "B" Series models to be discontinued.
These changes for "A" and "B" Series are announced herewith, and are to become effective on April 1, 2000.
We are grateful to customers and representatives who compliment us by requesting our older machines, but it is becoming very much more difficult to continue to stock so many diverse parts. We have tried to make progress by improving our product by our best efforts at each point in time, but it is anything but progress if we must also carry the old. We respectfully ask for your cooperation.
Just think of it as a new line for the new millennium.
Fred Miller

1551 S. Harris Court, Anaheim, CA 92806
Phone: 714.978.1551 Fax: 714.978.0431
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